Three Smart Tips to Position Yourself on Google

Three Smart Tips to Position Yourself on Google

Matias Galan Castaño

Creating a new website is a huge step that involves a lot of work, and we know that it's not just about the hours we dedicate to it. There are hopes, dreams, and sacrifices when it comes to a project we are about to bring to life. Without wanting to make analogies, it is an important process.

However, even if we think and hope that the audience will come automatically when we launch a new website, it is unlikely to be the case. And for this, there is something called SEO.

Organic positioning involves many aspects, but we can anticipate that, even if you are not an expert in the field, there are some things you can do to improve your ranking in searches.

Spoiler alert

You need to have a clear understanding of your objectives so that the return on investment matches your expectations. If you are just starting out, these tips can help you focus on your project and prioritize the aspects that search engines consider important for web positioning.

  1. Focus on the content: Websites that try to cover multiple topics and gather diverse information have a much harder time positioning themselves.

Source: Unsplash

It's different when you work with specific content and aim to provide comprehensive information on that particular topic.

How does that work?

Let's say someone has a website where they offer animation services for birthdays. When they start creating content, for example, they can talk about "why fun animation is important for your birthday" or "what makes a good animation."

The problem arises when all the creative pieces go back to the same common ground, repeating who you are, your working dynamics, and your objectives.

The key is to create articles that provide detailed information about specific functionalities. Each article should explore all possibilities, such as "the best animation for 2-year-olds," "what does the puppet and scenography service consist of," "why it's convenient to use our invitations," "should we play with mothers and fathers?"

By doing this, we will better guide our users and help them answer any doubts they have about the topic. Clearing people's doubts and filling in any gaps in their knowledge will maximize the benefits of the article and help it position itself effectively.

Therefore, if someone who read that article needs animation services for their daughter's birthday in the future, they won't hesitate to consider you because your words guided their doubts.

Solid data:

To create content that attracts more people and consequently improves your site's ranking, it is essential to have a clear understanding of who you are addressing.

This is especially important considering that content on platforms is becoming more personalized. If your target audience is clear, the chances of people enjoying your content will be higher.

  1. Optimize your title tag and meta description: The title is what appears as a link in search engines, and the meta description is what appears below the title.
People tend to click on links where the keyword they are searching for appears.
However, you can't just use the keyword "Birthday Animations" alone. If you did that, we would recommend repeating the keyword so that anyone searching would clearly know that it is your service. Unfortunately, search engines don't work that way.
The keywords need to be included in your title and meta description, but they also need to stand out and, most importantly, flow naturally within a sentence, be easy to read, and spark curiosity.
It's the complexity of simplicity, but we are confident that you can do it.
  1. Use Google Search Console: Google provides a free tool to help you rank number one on its platform.
Although it may seem counterintuitive, they offer a tool that will assist you on this journey. It is highly recommended because it provides a range of information that will be your main aid in achieving better search results.

Once registered, it is important to give it a few days to process as it takes time to load all the data from your site.

The best thing about this platform is that it shows which articles are receiving better impressions.

Pause, what is an impression?
When you perform a search on Google and scroll through the results, you realize that it is no longer necessary to click on a link to find what you are looking for.
The sites that appear in your scrolling receive an impression from you. The number of impressions reflects the total number of times your page appeared in a search.
Let's continue, wrap it up, close it
In this platform, you will be able to see how many impressions your article receives and how many times it is clicked, among many other things.
The percentage of clicks on impressions is explicitly indicated by CTR, which stands for Click Through Rate. A page with a good CTR usually has a percentage higher than 1.70%.
Google Search Console also shows you all the keywords for which your page appeared in searches. If we go back to the first tip, we can use this tool to see the keywords for which we are getting impressions and incorporate them into our content.
However, it is important to give clear meaning to those keywords. It's one thing to generate content that flows naturally and includes the keywords, and it's another thing to mention the keywords in a forced manner. The latter is a guaranteed failure as it will worsen the quality of the article, and the reader is likely to be unsatisfied with the information provided.
It's like when you attend a job interview. If you keep talking about your experience without allowing interruptions, there will be tension on the other side.
Contrastingly, when we try not to force the conversation and relax, identifying the most important aspects without explicitly mentioning our entire life story.
It's always good to remember that results are not immediate, and the more time you spend doing something, the more you learn. If we manage to learn, we will be watering our plants.

So, if you want to position yourself, pay attention:

  1. Create super comprehensive content.
  2. Include keywords in the title and meta description, and when writing, aim to spark curiosity.
  3. Use Google Search Console.
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