Towards content that positions you better

Towards content that positions you better

Matias Galan Castaño

After working with a large number of clients and carrying out extensive work focused on digital marketing, we can assure you that a key factor in generating high income is related to the content that we will focus our strategy on.

The possibility of obtaining high volumes of organic traffic to our site is directly related to the content we create. So, let's focus on the latter.

A common challenge when starting to create, write, or materialize a piece is the inability to make progress. Whether it's for a new website, a digital social media platform, or other creative projects, taking the first steps can be a bit more complicated. Mainly because the possibilities are endless, and we want to explore them all. Often, this leaves us feeling blank.

So why not start by narrowing down your focus and aiming for one thing at a time?

Let's go over some guidelines so that amidst all the confusion, you can find simple starting points and quickly come up with ideas that are useful for generating content.

Focus on the specific

First and foremost, focusing on the specific brings about greater ease in generating content. When you're starting out, it's common to want to do many things and try to cover everything.

Well, this speaks highly of you, but in practice, both Google and your users will value content that focuses on a specific functionality of your service more than content that is overly extensive without being clear or in-depth about what you want to convey.

Example: From Google to clients

Let's say we're developing a website for a vegan burger gastronomic project. On our website, we will inform potential users about all aspects of the project's functioning.

Now, let's put ourselves in the client's shoes. What if we come across an article that aims to cover: what the project is, how it works, its objectives, recommendations, and tips for having better habits?

At first, it's a lot of information all bundled together, lacking precision, and probably not providing abundant details since it would take up too much space.

On the other hand, if we put ourselves in Google's shoes, something similar would happen. Google will value your content more when you write a text that focuses on a specific aspect and develop it around that topic. This way, you'll achieve better positioning on the platform and a potentially positive reception from the person who comes across that content.

This is simply because by addressing a single topic, we have a better chance of being exhaustive and addressing all possible doubts, as well as providing comprehensive information on the subject. It's important that, over time, we can revisit that content and optimize the information in case there are any modifications or updates on that specific topic.

Clarity and intentionality

Once we understand the importance of being as specific as possible, planning and creating creative pieces becomes easier.

It's crucial to know that the content can vary as long as the intentionality is clear. By intentionality, we mean the goal we aim for when we start creating.

If we think about our example, we could talk about who we are and the story that brought us here, the unique features of each product we offer, our recommendations for cooking vegetarian burgers, other brands doing similar work and how we differ, eco-friendly grocery shopping tips, and so on.

These content ideas can arise from what people interested in services like ours are searching for.

More and better ideas

Why better? When thinking about what makes one idea better than another when creating content, the answer in terms of Google can be easily traced.

A creative piece that responds to user demands will rank higher in search results. Nowadays, over 91% of online search experiences worldwide come from Google. Its influence as a powerful tool for businesses is undeniable.

One of the fundamental characteristics for positioning will be keyword optimization. These keywords can be used to understand what our customers are searching for when they're looking for answers related to a project like ours.

Even if your site is only a few months old, Google will drive traffic to it through some strange and extensive keywords that you never thought someone would use to search.

The keywords present on your site make you appear in Google searches, even if it's in lower positions like the second or third page of the platform. The fact that you appear in a position indicates that Google is giving value to what you're doing.

For this, the use of Google Search Console will be essential. This Google platform allows you to see which keywords are generating clicks or impressions for your site. You can focus your content around these keywords and use them as a guide to create a greater volume of information related to the keywords that are bringing more users to your site.

Over time and with the creation of new content, you will gain more prominence around these keywords, which will increase your ranking on Google within your niche.

These are some recommendations for making your website stand out on Google. It's an extension of what we have been discussing: focusing your content on what interests your users.

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