Google Analytics [Analysis & Audit]

Google Analytics is used to track website activity such as session duration, pages per session and the bounce rate of individuals using the site, along with the information on the source of the traffic. It can be integrated with Google Ads, with which users can create and review online campaigns by tracking landing page quality and conversions (goals).

Goals might include sales, lead generation, viewing a specific page, or downloading a particular file. In October 2020, Google released Google Analytics 4, under the acronym GA4. Instead of being "hit-based," like Universal Analytics, GA4 is "event-based." In March 2022, Google announced that on July 1, 2023, standard Universal Analytics properties will stop processing new hits. Users will need to upgrade to GA4.

For all the above, the priority regarding the Seuss+ analytics account was to successfully complete the migration and complete configuration of the new property in GA4.

The audited properties were:

  1. Seuss+ (UA-142618886-1)
  2. (294384709) GA4

Improvement Opportunities:

Complete your GA4 migration and Set up the features to get the most out of your property.

  1. Data collection ✅
  2. Property settings: Turn on Google signals ✅
  3. Property settings: Set up conversions ✅
  4. Property settings: Define audiences ✅
  5. Link to Google Ads ✅

Theoretical framework

Data collection

Verifying the accurate collection of data is essential when transitioning to the new Google Analytics 4 property. This step serves as the foundation for leveraging the full range of advanced functionalities and insights offered by the latest version. Additionally, migrating to Google Analytics 4 has become a mandatory requirement to ensure continued access to the robust features and capabilities provided by the platform.

Step 1: Verify Data Collection with Google Analytics 4

To ensure a smooth transition and to fully utilize the enhanced capabilities of Google Analytics 4, it is crucial to verify the proper collection of data. We followed these steps to validate data collection:

  1. Set up the Google Analytics 4 Property.
  2. Implement the Google Analytics 4 Tag.
  3. Test Data Collection.
  4. Validate Data Consistency.

Migration to Google Analytics 4 provides several advantages, including:

  1. Advanced Machine Learning: Leverage the power of machine learning models to gain deeper insights into user behavior, uncover trends, and make more informed business decisions.
  2. Enhanced Cross-Platform and Cross-Device Tracking: Understand user interactions across various platforms and devices, allowing for a comprehensive view of the customer journey.
  3. Improved Data Controls and Privacy: Benefit from enhanced data governance features, privacy controls, and compliance with evolving data protection regulations.
  4. Enhanced Reporting Capabilities: Access new and improved reporting features that provide richer visualizations, custom insights, and easier data exploration.

Google Signals for Enhanced Analytics Activated

Google Signals are a vital feature within Google Analytics 4 properties that provide valuable session data from websites and apps associated with users who have signed in to their Google accounts and enabled Ads Personalization. This data association with signed-in users allows for powerful functionalities such as cross-device reporting, cross-device remarketing, and cross-device conversion export to Google Ads.

By activating Google Signals, Seuss+ can now:

  1. Cross Platform Reporting: Gain insights into user behavior across different devices, enabling a comprehensive understanding of how users interact with your online property.
  2. Remarketing with Google Analytics: Effortlessly reach users across their various devices, allowing you to deliver highly relevant ads and increase engagement.
  3. Advertising Reporting Features: Access advanced reporting capabilities that provide valuable insights into the performance of your cross-device marketing efforts, including channels and campaigns.
  4. Demographics and Interests: Understand the characteristics and preferences of your audience, allowing for targeted marketing strategies tailored to specific user segments.

About Data Collection

It's crucial to note that if you choose to deactivate Google Signals, you will lose access to these features individually, as they are all linked to the activation of Google Signals.

Furthermore, Google Signals facilitates a holistic view of user interactions across multiple browsers and devices for those who have enabled Ads Personalization. For instance, you can track how users browse your products on a mobile phone and later return to complete purchases using a tablet or laptop.

Default settings ensure that Google signed-in data expires after 26 months, unless you have set a shorter time frame using the Analytics Data Retention setting. Cross-platform reports only provide aggregated data and do not expose any personally identifiable information.

It's worth mentioning that the data collected under Google Signals is solely utilized for providing the Google Analytics service unless you enable Data Sharing settings or opt to link with other Google products.

To activate Google Signals for Seuss+ Google Analytics 4 property, we followed these steps:

  1. Log in to Google Analytics and navigate to the Admin section.
  2. Ensure you have the Editor role for the respective property.
  3. In the PROPERTY column, click on Data Settings > Data Collection.
  4. Enable Google signals data collection by toggling the switch to the "on" position.
  5. By default, Google Signals data is collected in all regions. If you want to restrict data collection to specific regions, you can customize the settings accordingly.
  6. Keep in mind that disabling Google Signals data collection will result in the loss of cross-platform reporting, remarketing lists based on Analytics data, advertising reporting features, and demographics and interests.

Please note that activating Google Signals subjects you to the policy requirements for Google Analytics Advertising Features. To ensure user privacy, data thresholds may be applied to properties using Google Signals.

In summary, activating Google Signals empowers Seuss+ with valuable insights into user behavior across devices, allowing for enhanced reporting, remarketing opportunities, and optimized marketing strategies.

Tracking Conversions

Importance of Setting Conversions in Google Analytics 4 for Lead Generation.
Setting up conversions in Google Analytics 4 is crucial for effectively measuring and optimizing lead generation efforts. A successful implementation of conversion tracking has been carried out for Seuss+, focused on generating qualified leads, specifically measuring the success of their "Thank You" page where contact form submissions are received.

Beyond conversions: unveiling the full Impact of Seuss+ tracking efforts:

  1. Measure Lead Generation Effectiveness:
    For businesses like, where the primary goal is to generate qualified leads rather than direct sales, setting conversions in Google Analytics 4 is essential. It enables you to track the number of successful lead submissions on the "Thank You" page accurately. By understanding how many leads are being generated, you can evaluate the effectiveness of your marketing strategies and campaigns in attracting and converting prospects into leads.
  2. Identify High-Quality Lead Sources:
    Conversion tracking allows you to analyze the performance of different marketing channels, campaigns, and traffic sources in terms of lead generation. By attributing conversions to specific sources, such as organic search, paid advertisements, social media, or referral traffic, you can identify which channels are driving the most qualified leads. This information empowers you to allocate resources effectively, focus on high-performing channels, and optimize campaigns for maximum lead generation.
  3. Optimize Conversion Rate and User Experience:
    Analyzing conversion data in Google Analytics 4 provides insights into the conversion rate, which is the percentage of visitors who complete the desired action, in this case, submitting a contact form. By tracking and monitoring the conversion rate, you can identify potential bottlenecks or areas of improvement in the user journey. This knowledge allows you to optimize your website, landing pages, and contact forms to enhance the user experience, streamline the conversion process, and increase the likelihood of generating more qualified leads.
  4. Measure Return on Investment (ROI):
    Setting conversions in Google Analytics 4 also enables you to calculate the ROI of Seuss+ lead generation efforts accurately. By attributing conversions to specific marketing campaigns or channels, you can compare the cost of acquiring leads through different channels with the value they bring to the business. This analysis helps you allocate your marketing budget wisely, focus on the most cost-effective channels, and optimize your lead generation strategies to maximize ROI.

Successful Conversion Tracking for Seuss+:

We! has successfully implemented conversion tracking in Google Analytics 4 for Seuss+ to measure the effectiveness of their lead generation efforts. By measuring the "Thank You" page where contact form submissions are received, Seuss+ is now able to accurately track the number of qualified leads generated through Google Analytics too.

Audiences Defined

Defining audiences plays a crucial role in reaching and remarketing to your most engaged website visitors.

For Seuss+, we have created specific audiences for each of Seuss+ services. By linking these audiences with your Google Ads account, you can now effectively store cookies that allows to create targeted remarketing campaigns tailored to these audiences.

Link to Google Ads

Linking Google Analytics to Google Ads for Enhanced Audience and Conversion Tracking.

Linking your Google Analytics (GA4) account to Google Ads offers valuable benefits by seamlessly integrating audience and conversion tracking. Connecting Google Analytics to Google Ads:

By linking your Google Analytics account to Google Ads, you unlock the following advantages:

  1. Audience Integration:
  2. Conversion Event Data Export:

Benefits of Linking Google Analytics to Google Ads:

  1. Enhanced Ad Targeting:
  2. Streamlined Conversion Tracking:
  3. Seamless Remarketing:
  4. Cross-Platform Insights:

Linking your Google Analytics (GA4) account to Google Ads offers significant advantages for audience targeting, conversion tracking, and remarketing. By connecting these two powerful platforms, you can now work on more effective ad targeting in Google Adwords, and add remarketing campaigns empowering your advertising strategies, reach the right audience with relevant ads, and drive better results for Seuss+ business.

Integrate Google Analytics with HubSpot through Wordpress Plugin

Integrating Google Analytics with HubSpot through the WordPress plugin is a valuable solution for measuring data related to leads and completed forms. By connecting these platforms, Seuss+ can effectively track and analyze crucial metrics associated with lead generation and form submissions.

This integration enables Seuss+ to have a comprehensive view of how leads are interacting with their website, which forms are performing the best, and which marketing campaigns are driving the most conversions. This data-driven approach allows businesses to optimize their marketing strategies, improve lead nurturing tactics, and ultimately increase the effectiveness of their lead generation efforts.